Looking to play a Holy Priest in Shadowlands 9.2.7? Check out this guide for everything you need to know!
Holy Priests in Shadowlands: Strengths and Weaknesses
In the Shadowlands, Holy Priests have access to a variety of potent healing spells and abilities, making them very efficient healers in raid and PvP scenarios. Their two key assets are their adaptability to diverse scenarios and the high healing throughput potential of a number of powerful cooldowns.
Depending on how much Holy Power they can create, Holy Priests can restore significant amounts of health with a single spell. They also receive access to two new tools that will help them with their roleplaying; Spirit Link Totem and Circle of Healing. These skills allow Holy Priests to increase their own and their allies’ survival.
The greatest shortcoming of Holy Priests is the low mana efficiency of their spells in comparison to those accessible to other healers. This may be mitigated by appropriate cooldown management, but it is still an inevitable problem in certain content, like as lengthier raid engagements. Furthermore, the Holy Priest’s lack of movement-based healing spells makes them susceptible if they are forced to move while healing.
Best Holy Priest Races
Human and Lightforged Draenei are the finest races to play as a Holy Priest in Shadowlands 9.2.7. Both of these races feature potent racial passives that boost your healing power and help you to make the most of your spells.
- Human‘s passive raises your crit chance by 1%, which is very important if you want to optimize your mana efficiency and healing output.
- Lightforged Draenei‘s racial passive improves the efficacy of all Holy Word spells and decreases their cast time by 15%. When attempting to stay up with tanks in those extended group engagements, this may be really useful.
Each race also grants access to valuable Heritage Armor sets, which boost your healing power and provide you an advantage over other players in end-game content.
Holy Priest stat priority
When playing a Holy Priest in Shadowlands 9.2.7, stat prioritization is an essential element to consider. Stat priority is the relative significance of one stat vs another, and it is essential for maximizing your character’s build and performance.
The key stat priorities for a Holy Priest are Intellect (Int), Critical Strike (Crit), Haste (Haste), Versatility (Vers), and Mastery (Mas).
- Intellect boosts your spellpower, allowing you to heal more effectively.
- Critical Strike allows you to do double damage with your skills, making them more potent.
- Haste boosts your cast speed, enabling you to heal more quickly in an emergency.
- Versatility increases both healing and damage done, making it a desirable stat for almost any build.
- Mastery improves the potency of your healing spells when employed on companions impacted by Atonement, one of the key healing mechanisms utilized by Holy Priests in Shadowlands 9.2.7.
Holy Priest Stats priority for Mythic Raiding
For good reason, Holy Priests are the healing class of choice for most Mythic Raids. No other class can match the unique benefits and damage mitigation provided by Holy Priests. It is critical to learn how to prioritize stats while equipping your Holy Priest in order to optimize his efficacy.
When it comes to equipment, prioritize Intellect > Haste > Critical Strike > Mastery > Versatility. Because it boosts both overall spell power and mana regeneration, intellect is the most essential stat for all healing classes. Haste reduces the global cooldown linked with your spells and improves resource regeneration; but, if you have enough Gathering Storm stacks from skilled abilities/traits, Critical Strike should be prioritized above Haste for increased throughput when required in group engagements. Mastery boosts both direct healing done with Holy Words and shield absorb effects overall. Finally, Versatility only slightly boosts all damage and healing done, therefore it should not be emphasized above other stats on an item component.
Holy Priest Stats priority for Mythic Dungeons
As a Holy Priest, you should concentrate on the stats that help your healing approach. Intellect is essential since it boosts Spell Power and Mana regeneration, enabling you to cast more spells and heal more efficiently. Spell Critical Rating provides the largest advantage in terms of healing throughput since it always triggers a strong heal rather than a lesser spell. Haste is also useful for lowering global cooldowns and enhancing mana efficiency.
Although Mastery has no direct impact on mob health, it does boost your AOE healing and helps keep everyone in your party alive for a longer period of time. Finally, Versatility gives extra defense and healing benefits, allowing you to complete Mythic Dungeons quicker and with fewer wipes.
Holy Priest Stats Breakthrough
When gearing for protection in Shadowlands 9.2.7, Holy Priests have a number of stat priorities that should be considered. The major purpose of defense is to increase secondary stats like Haste, Critical Strike, and Versatility. Following this, Mastery and Strength should be employed to get the necessary Protection Paladin stats breakthrough.
Furthermore, depending on the scenario, Holy Priests may benefit from stacking gear with Intellect to increase mana pool capacity and throughput healing capabilities.
Finally, in order to optimize your damage potential as a Protection Paladin in Shadowlands 9.2.7, you must employ the necessary Covenant Soulbinds and Conduits. Soulbinds such as Bastian Weaver increase attack speed and resource recovery, whilst Conduits such as Lives Fused Together boost your Holy Word: Time decrease for the Savior cast enabling you to heal more quickly in dungeon encounters or raid monsters alike with higher success rate over the duration of your gaming experience.
How to gear your Holy Priest
Properly equipping your Holy Priest is critical to maximizing your success in raids in Mythic+ dungeons. When it comes to gearing, keep in mind that item level isn’t the sole stat to consider. Intellect and Spirit are very crucial for Holy Priests since they boost our Mana Regeneration, Healing Power, and Spell Crit Chance. Secondary stats like Haste and Mastery are also worth considering since they may improve our healing throughput.
As a Holy Priest, you should always aim to get the 7 best single legendaries and two complete tier sets to optimize your character’s performance in end-game content. Ideally, you should always try to achieve the greatest item level gear possible via Raiding or Mythic+. Additionally, you should use a trinket with Intellect. on it if one is available.
Holy Priest Tier Set Bonus
The finest Mistweaver Monk end-game talent set is the Holy Priest Tier Set Bonus in Shadowlands 9.2.7. The set is made up of four parts: shoulders, head, chest, and legs. When all four pieces are worn together, they grant a 200 spellpower boost and a 300 critical strike rating bonus.
This implies that when you wear the whole set, your healing spells have a larger chance of critically striking for more healing than normal. Furthermore, the two-piece set bonus boosts either mana or spirit regeneration by 15%25. Mistweaver Monks benefit from this since they rely on constantly recovering mana during protracted encounters with bosses or groups of opponents.
Raid Best in Slot (BiS) Gear for Holy Priests
Best in Slot Raid BiS Gear for Holy Priests is critical for assuring your character’s performance in Raids. This guide will assist you in obtaining the greatest gear possible when raiding in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Patch 9.2.7, especially for holy paladins. The available gear will be situational, and the book will offer a summary of some of the most significant improvements and perks you may equip to make playing a holy paladin easy.
Your stats as a Holy Priest may change based on how you wish to maximize your spec and performance in raids. Critical Strike Chance, Haste, Mastery, Versatility, and Spell Power are some typical stats for best performance. Stat weights may also differ across specifications, so it’s crucial to conduct your research on which stats are best for your specific Holy Priest build before equipping gear. Additionally, be sure to enchant items with enchants that offer a bonus stat that corresponds to your construction aims.
Mythic+ Best in Slot (BiS) Gear for Holy Priests
Best in Slot: Mythic BiS Gear for Holy Priests is a guide to the best gear configuration for a Protection Paladin while performing Mythic+ dungeons in Shadowlands. It includes a thorough list of equipment and will assist Protection Paladins in determining which parts to prioritize first in order to enhance their effectiveness.
The alternatives and suggestions are based on personal experience and simulations, and they are susceptible to vary dependent on the specifics of each dungeon, so players must carefully analyze each item. Other suitable options may exist depending on the unique scenario. As such, rather than a rigorous set of criteria that must be followed, this guide provides as an idea of what Items are suited for protection paladins.
Best in Slot (BiS) Trinkets for Holy Priests
Trinkets are an important aspect of raiding and PvPing for Holy Priest players in Shadowlands 9.2.7. After all, the perfect mix of trinkets may significantly improve your overall performance in any content.
With that in mind, we’ve compiled a list of the Best in Slot BiS Trinkets for Holy Priests, as well as what you can do with them to enhance their efficacy. This list includes lootbox trinkets, handmade items, and world quest prizes from Torghast and other places of The Maw. All of these trinkets have high burst potential and fit in well with the Holy Priest playstyle. We also suggest combining a stat-boosting trinket with a damage-increasing item for the greatest results.
Best Holy Priest Rotations in Shadowlands 9.2.7
The optimal rotations for Holy Priests in Shadowlands 9.2.7 are heavily influenced by their spec, since they may choose between two unique playstyles: Disc-focused healing and Holy-focused discipline. The rotation for each spec differs greatly, as do the talents and abilities utilized, yet both share several spells and cooldowns.
For example, regardless of spec, Holy Word: Salvation, Flash Heal, Light of T’uure, and Voidform are all potent heal spells. Similarly, Divine Hymn is a strong cooldown that holy priests may employ efficiently whether they are running Disc or Holy.
Determine which skill trees you want to concentrate on, then practice utilizing your rotation until it becomes second nature and you can respond swiftly to changing conditions in raids or dungeons.
Holy Priest Rotation for Healing
Depending on the raid encounter or dungeon group, you will employ a variety of healing rotations as a Holy Priest. The most essential thing to remember is to be adaptable in your talents and to react swiftly to changes.
To heal any serious damage, your typical holy priest healing rotation should begin with Binding Heal and Prayer of Mending. Following that, you may use Divine Hymn for huge group heals or Renewing Mist for long-term healing. Depending on the scenario, you may pick between Flash Heal and Celestial Ripple. When employing Surge of Light, combine it with Circle of Healing to dramatically improve its effectiveness. Finally, keep Guardian Spirit active on tanks since it provides much-needed resilience.
Holy Priest Rotation for Damage
In Shadowlands 9.2.7, the Holy Priest damage rotation is primarily on optimizing your healing output while yet inflicting enough damage to be successful during raid engagements. The easiest method to do this is to use spells like Smite and Holy Fire, which enable you to fast heal and deal damage. When several targets are under attack, it is critical to utilize these spells on cooldown and prioritize single-target healing. Furthermore, casting Radiant Spark while Ascendance is active will dramatically increase your damage.
Finally, keep in mind that flexibility is at the heart of the Holy Priest rotation. Keep an eye out for high priority heals and be prepared to exit your main rotation if necessary. Use the appropriate talents for each circumstance to enhance your Holy Priest’s DPS and healing skills in Shadowlands 9.2.7:
- Talent A
- Talent B
- Talent C
- Talent D
Best Holy Priest End-game Talents
The strongest Holy Priest skills in Shadowlands Patch 9.2.7 are largely concerned with increasing healing throughput for both raid and dungeon engagements. Apotheosis, Circle of Healing, and Benediction are the top three Holy Priest end-game skills.
- Apotheosis The healing holy paladin rotation allows for the quick casting of any two spells while incurring just a minimal rage cost, making it the most effective skill to deploy when dealing with numerous targets or transition periods.
- Circle of Healing gives an on-demand AoE heal that adds an absorb shield to all affected targets for a brief period, making it an excellent option for multiple target healing scenarios.
- Benediction’s powerful mana return mechanism allows it to deliver effective single-target healing while producing stacks of Serendipity or Echoing Reproach to provide continuous healing across protracted conflicts.
Each one has distinct benefits that might offer you an advantage in certain encounters or group sizes, making them vital weapons in your armory.
Best Talents for Mythic Raiding in Season 4 (patch 9.2.7)
The following are the greatest talents for Mythic Raider Mistweaver Monks in Shadowlands Patch 9.2.7:
- Level 15 Celerity of the Windrunners: This skill improves your casting speed by 20%. It’s very potent when paired with other cast speed-up effects like Rapid Fire and Reverse Entropy.
- Level 75 Maniacal Persistence: This skill allows Renewing Mist to boost your Haste for 8 seconds, accumulating up to 5 times. This effect is particularly potent in fast-paced battles when using Renewing Mist quickly is advantageous.
- Legacy of Chi Ji Level 90: This passive talent raises your Renewing Mists’ healing by 20%. It is an excellent option for any conflicts or scenarios requiring many renewing mists casts to be done swiftly back-to-back.
- Song of Chi-Ji Level 100: When you cast Vivify or Enveloping Mist, you get a charge of Soothing Mist with a 10 second cooldown. It allows for long-term healing, making it an excellent alternative for individuals who wish to replenish people’s health bars more regularly than less intensive healers such as Restoration Shamans.
Best Talents for Mythic+ Dungeons in Season 4 (patch 9.2.7)
Unforgettable No-No and Way of the Crane are the greatest Mistweaver Monk Legends for Mythic+ Dungeons in Season 4 of World of Warcraft Shadowlands.
Unforgettable No-No is perfect for increasing damage output in both single-target and AoE circumstances. Each time you perform a spell, it raises your critical strike chance by 15% and decreases the remaining cooldown on all spells by 2s.
The benefits of Way of the Crane are identical, but it raises your healing done by 15% and decreases your current cooldowns when you perform a heal.
In Mythic+ dungeons, both of these Legendaries significantly increase your healing potential, with Unforgettable No-No providing more consistent DPS bonuses and Way of the Crane providing more consistent healing power.
Finally, it comes down to which Legendary best fits your own playstyle and party composition.
Best Covenant – Soulbinds – and Conduits for Holy Priests in 9.2.7
When you play as a Holy Priest in World of Warcraft Shadowlands 9.2.7, you may accomplish covenant objectives and tie yourself to strong Soulbinds – NPCs with incredible skills. There are various methods to tailor your character construct and maximize your performance in accordance with these covenants, and selecting the appropriate combinations is critical to success.
Each covenant provides a unique set of Soulbinds and Conduits The holy paladins best abilities are improved with Conduits, which grant extra bonuses when multiple Conduits are active simultaneously. These bonuses include increased Critical Strike Chance, mana regeneration, healing power, and movement speed. This is especially beneficial when using the 7 holy paladin rotation..
Before entering a certain encounter, evaluate which combination of Covenant/Soulbind/Conduit delivers the most benefits for your playstyle. This will enable you to maximize your character’s potential during it.
Best Holy Priest Covenant for Raiding
Players should pick the Kyrian Covenant for their holy priest during raiding. The Kyrian Covenant Soulbinds provide a number of skills useful to holy priests. The most skilled players will be able to make the most use of each. Players will be able to choose from four distinct soulbinds: Kleia, Pelagos, Mikanikos, and Forgelite Prime Mikanikos, each with its own set of abilities that may be deployed in a variety of scenarios.
Furthermore, Kyrian’s Covenant Conduit enhancements increase healing throughput and offensive spell casts. These enhancements are as follows:
- Marked For Healing boosts healing spell efficacy by 3%.
- Serendipitous Mending improves critical heal probability by 2%.
- Unwavering Faith raises Holy Word spell damage by 2%.
These perks, when combined, offer excellent raid assistance for priests in Shadowlands 9.2.7.
Best Holy Priest Covenants for Mythic+
Kyrian and Night Fae are the greatest Covenants for Mistweaver Monks in Shadowlands for Mythic+. The Kyrian Covenant provides excellent scaling for Atonement use, letting you to perform more healing with Naru with each Mythic+ keystone level. Furthermore, the Kyrian Covenant skill Phial of Serenity enables you to rapidly and efficiently repair virtually all of your party’s health in any scenario.
The Night Fae Covenant is also an excellent Mythic+ choice, since its trademark ability, Soulshape, may be utilized to rapidly reach friends in need of healing or to avoid hazardous places on the map. Both Covenants have strong DPS and tank choices, making them more versatile and usable in a variety of content.
Holy Priest Covenant Popularity
The Holy Priest Covenant Popularity in Shadowlands 9.2.7 is a method of determining the finest Covenant/Soulbind pairings for Holy Priests. With so many possibilities available via the new Soulbind system, deciding which Covenant and Soulbind should best suit your playstyle might be difficult.
The popularity of Covenants with the player community and how extensively they are employed in high level Mythic+ dungeons and Raids is a common means of judging them. Keeping this in mind, this article will examine the best Covenant/Soulbinds combos for Holy Priests in Shadowlands 9.2.7 based on current popularity rankings from players at the highest tier of end-game content across all servers and PTR sims where applicable.
The study will cover:
- Which Soulbinds work best with each Covenant.
- Which Conduits are the best to use.
- Why these choices are so popular among high-level players right now.
Best Holy Priest Legendaries – Shadowlands 9.2.7
Holy Priests are a formidable class in Shadowlands 9.2.7, capable of healing, delivering damage, and offering assistance to their squad. It is critical for any Holy Priest to earn Legendary goods in order to maximize their potential. These items give perks that may significantly improve your character’s battle effectiveness. This article will showcase the greatest Holy Priest Legendaries in Shadowlands 9.2.7 and provide advise on how to utilize them effectively in game.
The Shroud of Forgotten Kings is the most powerful item in this patch, causing Flash Restore to repair an extra 20% of its target’s maximum life and Renew to heal an additional 40%. Ray of Redemption, which grants Flash Heal 30% more healing power every 5 seconds, is another notable item. %3B Divine Ascension, which boosts healing prayer by 25%, %3B Word of Redemption, which improves healing done by holy spell effects by 10%, %3B and Illumination, which enhances the likelihood of a flash heal critical effect by 50%. All of these benefits may be employed in tandem to boost your total healing capacity.
Best Single Legendaries for Holy Priests (Raid and M+ Dungeons)
When playing a Holy Priest in Shadowlands 9.2.7, it’s critical to consider the potency of the numerous Legendary items accessible to your class. As a Holy Priest, you have various Legendaries to choose from that can boost both your survivability and healing output in Raids and Mythic+ Dungeons.
This tutorial will look at the ideal Legendaries for playing a Holy Priest in Raids and Mythic+ Dungeons.
Some of the greatest Legendaries presently available to Holy Priests for Raids include Master’s Voice, which increases the cooldown reduction on Divine Hymn, Lightforged Beacon, which increases damage done by your target, and Shroud of Resolve, which improves critical strike probability. Power Word: Shockwave boosts AOE damage output or Last Word improves healing done are the greatest single Legendaries for M+ Dungeons.
When choosing a Legendary item for a Raid or M+ Dungeon, keep in mind which attributes best compliment your playstyle and what other class members are utilizing.
Best Double Legendaries for Holy Priests (Raid and M+ Dungeons)
Guardian Druids are a strong and flexible tank class in Shadowlands, able to absorb damage with their high armor and endurance while yet offering enough crowd control to enable content to be finished swiftly. The most efficient strategy for a Holy Priest to enhance survivability in Raids and M+ Dungeons is to deploy two legendaries that are well-suited to their playstyle. In Shadowlands raid and dungeon content, the strongest double legendaries for Guardian Druid tanks are:
- Primordial Instincts – With increased armor, health, and damage mitigation, this is a superb melee-oriented legendary for Guardian Druids.
- The Forest’s Soul – When at full health, this legendary enhances the Guardian Druid’s healing by 20%. It also increases the range of Frenzied Regeneration, which aids in emergency healing on multiple targets.
- Earthwarden – This legendary raises Ironfur’s effectiveness by 30%, enabling Guardians Druids to better use their exceptional resilience after absorbing a lot of damage.
- The Cloak of Loa – A great defensive choice that boosts dodge chance and maim immunity, allowing Guardian Druids to remain alive longer in bursty encounters or while facing numerous targets.
Best Legendary Crafting for Holy Priest
The legendary crafting possibilities accessible to a holy priest in Shadowlands 9.2.7 are many and diverse, but a few stand out as must-have items. The Sinful Thrill crown is a strong Legendary helm that boosts the efficacy of your healing spells and grants access to more powerful cooldowns. The Anchor of Resolved Souls is the greatest neck piece for Holy Priests owing to its enhanced healing done on creatures with less than 50% health, giving you an advantage during raids. Finally, the Necklace of Grandeur grants you tremendous bonuses from numerous movement abilities like Angelic Feather, Spectral Guidance, and even Leap of Faith.
All of these factors together may help you increase your healing output and become an indispensable member of any raid party.
Holy Priest in Shadowlands – FAQ
In Shadowlands, the Holy Priest is a flexible class that requires both strong single-target and area of effect healing skills. As the Priest class evolves and adapts to the Shadowlands expansion, the Holy Priest’s traits, skills, and talents have grown more abundant and effective than ever before.
This tutorial will assist both new and seasoned players learn how to make the most of their time as a Holy Priest in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands.
This guide covers all you need to know about playing a Holy Priest, including:
- Their primary spells and abilities
- Talent options for various scenarios
- Helpful rotations to improve healing performance in dungeons or raids
- Stat priorities
- And more
This article also answers often asked questions about playing a Holy Priest in Shadowlands, such as:
- Which Covenant is ideal for them?
- Which Mythic+ dungeon setups are the most successful?
With all of this information at your disposal, you’ll be able to ensure that your Holy Priest plays like a pro.
1. Are Holy Priests good in Shadowlands 9.2.7?
In Shadowlands: Patch 9.2.7, Holy Priests are an excellent option for healing. The Holy Priest toolbox has been expanded with several new and unique skills, making it an excellent choice for the new raid tier. Furthermore, the Covenant system allows Holy Priests to specialize in various sorts of healing based on the Covenant they pick and how they equip up their character, enabling them to perform diverse roles within a raid group.
Holy Priests are well-suited for tank and group healing tasks in PvE content, as well as Group Utility chores like as dispels. They also feature strong cooldowns that may be utilized to aid burst through difficult stages or to offset large incoming damage spikes With their diverse kit, game talents best talents may easily be among the best healers in PvP, whether they are playing solo or as part of a team in arenas and battlegrounds. If required, they can also fulfill other roles. on any server with the appropriate gear and setup.
2. Is Holy Priest easy to play?
Holy Priests are a distinct class because they may use strong spells to heal, empower, and defend friends. Because they can flip between healing and damaging in various situations, they are quite straightforward to play.
In general, Holy Priests have powerful single-target healing skills that they employ to replenish party members during raids and PvP confrontations. They may also utilize strong group heals to heal everyone at once or cover a full raid at Raid Finder difficulty.
Holy Priests have a range of potent offensive boosts, including Power Word: Shield, Inner Fire, and Renew, in addition to their healing skills. These boosts provide them an advantage in PvP encounters when opposing teams may be underequipped or underprepared for the conflict.
Finally, Holy Priests have access to crucial defensive cooldowns such Guardian Spirit and Pain Suppression, which may prevent or decrease enemy burst damage.
3. What is the stats priority for Holy Priests?
It is critical to consider the numerous skills, spells, and mechanics related with the specialty while deciding a Holy Priest’s stat priority in Shadowlands 9.2.7.
Holy Priests’ most essential stats are Intellect, Critical Strike, Haste, Mastery, and Versatility. Intellect boosts your Spell Power and Mana pool, both of which are critical for a Holy Priest since they allow you to heal more effectively. Critical Strike enhances the likelihood of your spells critically hitting for more healing. Haste shortens the cast duration and cooldowns of spells such as Renew and Circle of Healing while improving spell casting speed. Versatility gives resistance to damage and enhances healing done while Mastery raises healing done to a target dependent on their health percentage.
Finally, when it comes to personalizing your stats to your playstyle, it is all up to you.
4. Which priest spec is best for leveling in patch 9.2.7?
In patch 9.2.7, Feral Druid is one of the greatest priest specs for leveling. Their adaptability and resilience make them ideal for solo content as well as dungeons and raids. Feral Druids have access to a range of tools that allow them to rapidly deal with and eliminate enemies, making them particularly effective when leveling up. Feral Druid’s ability to swiftly switch between offensive and defensive poses, their high single target damage, ability to root opponents in place, crowd control spells, extensive pet assistance, and strong healing all add to their PvE supremacy.
The biggest drawback of Feral Druid is a lack of crowd control tools; although they have certain delaying effects accessible through talents or glyphs, they do not have access to crowd control spells like Polymorph or Fear, which other classes may supply at all phases of the game. Furthermore, the sheer amount of choices available may make talent selection difficult for those new to playing a Feral Druid; but experienced players will appreciate how flexible this spec can be when played properly.
5. What is the best race for Holy Priests in Shadowlands?
Holy Priests have a number of racial advantages that might come in handy in the Shadowlands. Human, Nightborne, and Void Elf are the greatest races for PvE. Humans have two strong racial abilities: Every Man for Himself, which allows you to break away from all snares and debuffs, and The Human Spirit, which increases basic spirit by 5%. Void Elves are especially popular owing to their racial ability Arcane Pulse, which may provide a rise in healing power when damaged. The Arcane Affinity passive increases spell damage by 5%, and the activated ability Archmage’s Presence provides 150 secondary stats every three minutes.
The finest race selections for PvP come down to what fits each player’s playstyle. Because of their racial talents that may be employed defensively or offensively, Humans, Void Elves, and Nightborne remain strong options. Dark Iron dwarves are another potential race for PvP. Zandalari trolls Embrace of the Loa for enhanced healing, and Stoneform disables all snare effects. It’s also worth mentioning that Allied Races now have access to most of these same racials, so they’re definitely worth thinking about when choosing a race for a Holy Priest in Shadowlands.
6. Which covenant is best for Holy Priests?
The Kyrian Covenant is the most appropriate covenant for Holy Priests. This is due to Seraphim, their passive ability that enhances healing done by 10% and grants a new spell, Boon of the Ascended. Over the course of 6 seconds, this spell heals a target for an extra 5% of their maximum health.
Furthermore, Kyrian provides the strongest soulbinds for Holy Priests: Pelagos and Kleia are also viable options with cooldown reductions that may help in healing. Venthyr are another good covenant option for Holy Priests since they provide Redemption of Souls, which boosts either damage or healing done to targets with low health.
Night Fae gives some tremendous utility and additional mana regeneration from their conduit essence choice with Unwavering Gloom, while Necrolords provide some powerful usefulness and bonus mana regeneration from their conduit essence option with Fleshcraft.
Final thoughts
As a holy priest in Shadowlands 9.2.7, you have the unique power to heal, harm, and manage crowds from afar. With the shifting meta of the game, playing a holy priest can be both rewarding and frustrating. You may specialize on raid utility, or even forsake healing entirely and focus on doing damage from range, in addition to having rapid cast speeds and powerful single target healing skills.
Regardless of how you choose to play your holy priest, you can be certain that it will be an interesting and rewarding experience.