The arcane mage specialization is the best for dealing single target damage in World of Warcraft’s latest expansion, Shadowlands. In this guide, you will learn everything you need to know about playing an arcane mage in a raid environment.
Arcane Mages: Strengths and Weaknesses
Arcane Mages are a potent magical DPS specialty that focuses on dealing damage with Arcane spell casts. Arcane Mages have a broad collection of skills to select from, including powerful burst damage and crowd control abilities. The flexibility to spec into any number of skills that add to your ability rotation makes them adaptable and enables them to adapt efficiently to any encounter.
Arcane mages have good survivability since they have many mitigation and crowd control options, such as Blast Wave, Evocation, and Presence of Mind. They also have a lot of single-target damage with abilities like Charged Up and Shimmer.
In terms of flaws, Arcane mages lack numerous AoE skills, which may cause them to fall behind in group compositions that prioritize AoE damage. Furthermore, they have worse mobility than other ranged dps specs owing to the fact that majority of their spells are casted, which takes more setup time than more mobile specs like Hunter or Elemental Shaman. Despite their strong single-target damage output, an arcane mage’s lack of utility in contrast to many other classes may diminish the value that an arcane mage may provide in certain scenarios.
How to gear your Arcane Mage
Gearing your Arcane Mage in Shadowlands 9.2.7 is critical to ensuring victory in any combat or raid. When gearing up for a Mage, examine the sort of stat priority you should utilize, the ideal set pieces, and potential star item combinations.
When looking at numbers, keep in mind that Arcane Mages should prioritize Intelligence and Haste, followed by Mastery and Versatility, and Critical Strike last. It’s also crucial to note that your gear selection has a huge impact in your Arcane Mage’s effectiveness, since the finest set pieces prioritize Intellect and Haste values above any other secondary stats, such as Mastery or Versatility.
Furthermore, while equipping your Arcane Mage, keep an eye out for item combinations like the trinket combo Echo of Eonar+ Landlord’s Vial, which dramatically enhances your total damage output as well as survivability during battles.
Arcane Mage stat priority
Intellect is the stat priority for an Arcane Mage for best performance. Versatility > Haste >= Critical Hit >= Mastery.
- Intellect is your major stat since it enhances spell damage and mana pool.
- Versatility boosts all damage and healing done while decreasing all damage absorbed.
- Haste shortens the cast time of most abilities and provides more procs each second.
- Critical Strike improves your spells’ chances of doing double damage and provides you Mana Regen.
- Mastery gives all spell casts a “spell power” factor, enhancing their efficacy against targets with bigger health pools.
It should be noted that a high item level is also vital, but these attributes should be at least equal in value to achieve best performance as an Arcane Mage in Shadowlands 9.2.7.
Arcane Mage Tier Set Bonus
The Arcane Mage Tier Sets in Shadowlands 9.2.7 give perks that are very useful and synergistic with their unique build.
- Tier 2 Ruinous Arcanum increases your critical strike probability by 10% while simultaneously raising your mana regeneration rate by 8%.
- Tier 4 Manastorm offers you an extra 10% critical strike chance after performing Inferno Blast, as well as a 3-second cooldown reduction on Arcane Missiles, letting you to launch them more often and with greater impact.
- Tier 6 Lore of Celerity grants you a 10% haste boost for spell casts as well as an extra 4 yards to all charges, enabling your movement spells to go larger distances. This boost greatly enhances the overall burst damage potential of any given encounter.
Raid Best in Slot (BiS) Gear for Arcane Mages
Best in Slot Raid When maxing up your Affliction Warlock character in Shadowlands, BiS Gear for Arcane Mages is critical. Affliction Warlocks are a strong caster class that combines high sustained damage over time spells with control and usefulness. Your Warlock’s BiS gear will allow you to increase their damage output and resilience in endgame raid content.
Legendary weaponry for Affliction Warlocks include the Netherlord’s Set, Netherlord’s Signet, and Spymaster’s Wraps. Tier pieces, trinkets, and cloaks also give significant boosts to your Affliction Warlock’s damage output and resilience. Finally, choosing ideal enchants will help your character perform well against boss encounters. Finally, choosing the correct gear might be a difficult undertaking, but it is doable with due attention and forethought on the part of the player.
Mythic+ Best in Slot (BiS) Gear for Arcane Mages
Mythic+ Finest in Slot BiS Gear for Arcane Mages is an in-depth look at the best gear alternatives for improving your character’s strength and performance in Mythic+ content during the Shadowlands 9.2.7 pre-patch. This book includes all you need to know about optimizing your character, including endgame raid gear, trinkets, enchants, and gems.
There is also guidance on selecting the best Mythic+ affixes to target according on your class and specialization. Finally, we go through the Brewmaster Monk cycle and provide advice on how to make the most of this potent skill tree.
Because of the comprehensive quality of this tutorial, whether you’re a novice or veteran Arcane Mage player in Shadowlands 9.2.7, you’ll find pertinent information regarding gearing up for Mythic+ content here.
Best in Slot (BiS) Trinkets for Arcane Mages
Trinkets are an essential aspect of an Arcane Mage’s toolbox. As one of the few things that may boost their damage output, choosing the proper trinket for each battle is critical. We suggest BiS trinkets best in slot for raids, Mythic+, and PvP content since they give a significant increase to your damage.
Here are the finest trinkets for Arcane Mages in 9.2.7:
- For Raids and Mythic+ – Forged Key: This item greatly improves all of your spells and abilities, including Nether Tempest and Arcane Blast. Additionally, your critical hits provide you a 5% boost in attack speed for 15 seconds.
- For PvP content – Game of Replicas: This item extends the range of your spells by 25%, making it excellent for PvP confrontations when you need to get a little more space from your opponents. However, it has no impact on high-damage spells like Evocation or Touch of the Magi.
How to level your Arcane Mage. Leveling tips
Leveling your Arcane Mage necessitates a precise mix of damage output and mana management, as you must ensure that you can utilize your most powerful spells without killing yourself. In general, it is more beneficial to focus single-target damage and concentrate on doing the most damage in the shortest amount of time, since this reduces the time it takes to take down foes.
When leveling an Arcane Mage, the critical strike rating and mastery rating should be prioritized. This increases their spell damage output as well as their mana efficiency. In addition, one should pay attention to the equipment they are employing. When it comes to Arcane Mage gear, not all pieces are made equal, and you want to make sure that all pieces give maximum potential for your character.
Finally, cooldowns should be included in your rotation in order to optimize your damage output while still keeping up with your opponents.
Best Arcane Mage Races
Night Elf, Human, and Dwarf are the top Arcane Mage Races for end-game content.
- Night Elves have Ironfeather Armor, which makes them resistant to movement delaying effects and allows them to kite monsters and do damage from a distance.
- Humans have access to the Sword of Dark Rites, which boosts damage done to foes with less than 30% HP. They also get Every Man For Himself as a bonus racial power that, when triggered, removes all stuns and roots from them.
- Dwarves have a unique racial passive that grants them a 15% boost in crit chance while performing spells with a Mana cost of less than 70%. This is beneficial to Arcane Mages since most of their spells do not need much Mana, giving this racial a significant benefit.
All of these races provide excellent alternatives for distinct playstyles and will undoubtedly boost your Arcane Mage’s performance in end-game content.
Best Arcane Mage Leveling Talents and Rotation in Shadowlands 9.2.7
Leveling as an Arcane Mage in Shadowlands 9.2.7 might be more difficult than other classes, but with a few critical abilities and rotations, you can bring your character to the end game swiftly.
One of the strongest leveling talents for an Arcane Mage is Rune of Power, which enhances spell damage and mana regeneration while inside the rune’s radius. It is also suggested to pick Nether Tempest and Touch of the Magi since they both allow for greater spell bursts and single target damage.
When it comes to rotation, Arcane Mages should prioritize spells like Evocation, Arcane Blast, Arcane Missiles, Ice Lance, and Fireball against elemental enemies. Finally, while dealing with ground-type adversaries, such as Pikachu, utilize Flame Strike or Blizzard for the greatest results.
Burn Phase Rotation
The Burn Phase is the point in an Arcane Mage’s cycle when they may use their Fury of the Ascended boost to cause the most damage. During this phase, the emphasis turns from intelligence stack building to burst damage and progressing through their rotation.
Several spells are in an Arcane Mage’s rotation during a burn phase. The first step is to activate Arcane Power, followed by touch-casting Evocation and employing Mirror Image. Then, by combining Frostbolt with Brain Freeze, we may acquire a Shatter Combo for extra damage, as well as use Rune of Power if it is available. Finally, use Fire Blast and Pyroblast before repeating the procedure until your bonuses are depleted. This rotation should be employed while battling Snorlax, who is particularly weak to Fighting Type Attacks.
Conserve Phase Rotation
Managing your Phase Rotation is an important aspect of playing a Sableye in Shadowlands 9.2.7. This requires you to carefully balance whether to utilize your offensive spells and when to save them for the following phase.
When confronting a fairy type adversary, it’s critical to save phase rotation so that you have enough energy to launch a barrage of strikes when you enter the following phase. During this period, it’s vital to stick to defensive spells or simple strikes that don’t tax your resources too much. This way, you can ensure that you have enough energy for a large burst of damage when the moment occurs, and you will be better prepared for the fairy assault in the following phase.
Best Arcane Mage End-game Talents
The Arcane Mage specialization’s end-game talents are an essential element of the entire setup. There are many Arcane Mage talent builds, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages.
The finest end-game talent selections for a normal build are Conjure Familiar, Evocation, and Rune of Power:
- Conjure Familiar adds an extra pet for protective reasons while also increasing mobility speed to help you get out of perilous situations.
- Evocation decreases the cooldown of the mage’s primary source of burst damage while also enhancing mana regeneration.
- Rune of Power expands your mana pool and shortens the cast time of Arcane Missiles, which is handy when you need to drive down targets fast or when your burn phase demands more casts than normal.
These adaptable abilities enable Arcane Mages to adapt to a variety of settings, whether solo or raiding engagements.
Best Talents for Mythic Raiding in Season 4 (patch 9.2.7)
In Mythic raiding, as an Affliction Warlock, you have access to a selection of powerful abilities that may help you perform at your best throughout lengthy and challenging engagements. The top Shadowlands Season 4 patch 9.2.7 talents are:
- Write Nether Mastery lengthens your Corruption spell’s duration by 20 seconds and raises its damage by 20%.
- Cascading Calamity decreases the cast time of your Drain Soul by 30% on a successful Unstable Affliction break.
- Siphon Life decreases the cooldown of Agony and Unstable Affliction by 10 seconds when you apply it to a new target.
- Lurking Apparition raises the damage done by all direct damage spells by 15%, with a stack limit of four.
- Phantom Singularity increases the periodic tick rate of Drain Soul on targets with three or more active DoTs from you.
- Absolute Corruption enables your Corruption to transfer any ongoing DoT from another Warlock to all adjacent opponents when it expires due to reaching the end of its duration, being dispelled, or being purged.
- Demon Skin decreases magical damage absorbed by 25% when in Metamorphosis form.
Best Talents for Mythic+ Dungeons in Season 4 (patch 9.2.7)
Arcane Mages wishing to flourish in the Mythic+ dungeon setting should employ the following talents in Season 4 of Shadowlands patch 9.2.7: Evocation, Rune of Power Amplification, Incanter’s Flow, Netherwind Armor, and Shimmer are all Rune of Power abilities. These skills combine to provide a potent combo that may improve your performance as an Arcane Mage in a Mythic+ dungeon.
While active, Rune of Power boosts your mana regeneration and critical strike chance, which is useful while fighting lengthy and difficult pulls or boss battles in a dungeon. Evocation gives you a burst of ⚡️mana every 3 minutes, which might be useful, but its cast duration should be considered while using this ability. Rune of Power Amplification boosts the added damage from your Rune of Power by directly boosting your spell power for the duration of the spell. Incanter’s Flow increases your chances of having enhanced spell power anytime one of your spells hits an opponent, as well as providing you a boost to your current spell power when you move after performing certain spells like Arcane Missiles or Fireball. Netherwind Armor enables you to cast spells for free for 8 seconds at a time, which may be useful in dungeons where mana is rare, or when combined with Evocation for maximal mana generating potential. Finally, Shimmer gives you an additional useful Blink ability with a short cooldown, making escape and movement even simpler at critical dungeon times.
Best Covenant – Soulbinds – and Conduits for Arcane Mages in 9.2.7
The Covenant and Soulbinds you pick as an Arcane Mage in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands may have a significant influence on your damage output. In Patch 9.2.7, you may optimize your damage as an Arcane Mage by using the appropriate Covenant and Soulbinds. We’ll go through the finest Covenants, Soulbinds, and Conduits for Arcane Mages in Shadowlands patch 9.2.7 so you can get the most out of your build.
Venthyr or Night Fae are the greatest Covenants for Arcane Mages since they provide strong skills that assist them boost their damage output. Following the selection of a Covenant, players must choose a Soulbind, which boosts their damage output by granting extra perks like as improved stats or increased critical strike probability while utilizing particular spells and abilities. Finally, players must choose Conduits, which are unique gems put into sockets across the character’s soul tree to improve their character’s performance with passive advantages such as improved movement speed or resistance to crowd control effects while casting particular spells and abilities. Arcane Mages may optimize their potential in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands patch 9.2.7 by carefully selecting these three elements.
Best Arcane Mage Covenant for Raiding
Arcane Mages should turn to Kyrian as their Covenant while deciding on the ideal Covenant for raiding. Kyrian’s unique class skills and perks, such as the Phial of Serenity, Radiant Spark, and Concentrated Flame, are effective in raids. Furthermore, Kyrian’s Potency Conduit will boost your Versatility stat, increasing your damage dealing capability.
Venthyr is also a viable choice for single target fights because to its Umbral Intensity ability, which enhances your damage output. However, since Skuntank is vulnerable to ground type attacks, you should use extreme caution while employing this Covenant in battles with ground type abilities or mechanics.
Whichever Covenant you choose, make sure it is compatible with your playstyle and team composition.
Best Arcane Mage Covenant for Mythic+
Venthyr is the best Arcane Mage Covenant for Mythic+ dungeons. ‘Flames of Punishment,’ a Venthyr Covenant Ability, causes a large amount of damage in a short length of time, enabling for faster clears and greater keystone levels.
Venthyr also has two more distinct advantages over other Covenants. To begin, when used, its Mirage ability offers an extra 15% Haste for 10 seconds. Second, since it may stun numerous targets at once, the Condemn ability is very powerful in dungeons with multiple foes.
Overall, Arcane Mages should choose Venthyr as their Covenant if they want to play in Mythic+ dungeons. This will help them to go ahead of the competition and clear stuff quicker.
Arcane Mage Covenant Popularity
Arcane Mage’s Covenant Popularity for the most recent version of Shadowlands, 9.2.7, is a crucial criterion to consider for the Arcane Mage build in terms of damage output and durability. With the introduction of new content comes new builds, and with that comes the necessity for players to learn which Covenant is most suited to them in certain scenarios.
Swampert, a strong fire-type Pokémon weak to grass-type attacks, is a recent addition to the game. This implies that if you’re an Arcane Mage facing Swampert, you should arm yourself with a covenant that offers grass-type spells like Nature’s Wrath or Verdant Spheres. Nature’s Grasp and Nature’s Breath are also good alternatives for adding additional burst damage if required.
Best Arcane Mage Legendaries – Shadowlands 9.2.7
Legendaries are unique artifacts found in World of Warcraft’s Shadowlands expansion. These goods provide a range of significant boosts and effects that may radically alter a character’s playstyle and help them succeed in a number of activities. There are various Legendaries that work especially well with Arcane Mages and their specialty.
The top nine Arcane Mage Legendaries are:
- Solstone of Infinite Dreams
- Wildcard’s Gamble
- Magistrike Restraints
- Zephyr’s Infinity Edge
- Infinite Starsurge Weaver’s Spire
- Guile Charm
- Winds of Wisdom’s Will
- Ophiuchus’ Redeemed Soul Plate
- Chrono Shard
Each of them has unique advantages for an Arcane Mage, ranging from increased damage or critical strike probability to increased mobility or casting speed. Combining these legendaries will make any gamer the most powerful Arcane Mage possible.
Best Single Legendaries for Arcane Mages (Raid and M+ Dungeons)
The greatest single legendaries for Arcane Mages in Shadowlands 9.2.7 are Karael’s Revered Vestments, Incanter’s Flow, and Clouded Sight. Karael’s Revered Vestments is an excellent all-purpose legendary that increases your Intellect and Critical Strike rating while also shortening the cooldown of your Arcane Blast by one second. Incanter’s Flow boosts your damage done to enemies with less than 40% health and increases your damage done for 6 seconds after Arcane charges have exhausted. Finally, Clouded Sight is an excellent option for burst damage in single target settings where you need to immediately maximize your DPS.
Incanter’s Flow and Karael’s Revered Vestments are good choices for raiding or Mythic+ dungeons because to their steady damage output across numerous targets or extended engagements. If you want more burst damage scenarios, Clouded Sight may be utilized in conjunction with any of these two legendaries.
Best Double Legendaries for Arcane Mages (Raid and M+ Dungeons)
If you’re an Arcane Mage in the Shadowlands expansion, you’re aware that Alolan Muk is resistant to all elementals and dragons but vulnerable to ground-type assaults. Keeping this in mind, it’s critical to choose the optimal double legendaries for your primary spec to optimize your performance.
We suggest raiding with both the Icy Chill and Ephemeral Mantle sets. Use both the Berserking and Layered Mane sets in M+ Dungeons. Both of these legendaries grant a significant Critical Strike boost, as well as other benefits like as cooldown reduction or buff duration increases depending on their individual set bonuses.
It’s also worth noting that some of these legendaries may be changed out based on the sort of content or specialty you’re running at the moment. Due to the variations in specifications, if you were running Frost Mage for raid or M+ content, you would be better off using a different legendary than what has been advised above.
Best Legendary Crafting for Arcane Mages
The greatest Legendary Crafting choice for Arcane Mages in Shadowlands 9.2.7 is 3 Wash Rotom. This Legendary is useful for both DPS and healing, since its passive ability Arcane Brilliance provides a consistent rise in damage output “This raises your total spell damage by 4%.” Because of its Joke-o-Tron, it is also excellent for movement speed “This effect reduces the cooldown of all your spells by 15%.”
The sole disadvantage of this Legendary is that it is vulnerable to grass-type techniques, so keep this in mind while fighting to ensure you have the finest legendary equipped.
Aside from the passive and on-use benefits described before, this legendary does not grant any main stat enhancements or additional stats. Overall, 3 Wash Rotom may be a very strong technique for Arcane Mages in Shadowlands 9.2.7 if utilized appropriately and at the right moment.
Arcane Mage in Shadowlands – FAQ
In Shadowlands, an Arcane Mage is a highly skilled caster that uses arcane power to do massive quantities of damage. Arcane Mages excel in both single-target and multiple-target circumstances, and their ability to handle great magical power while remaining survivable makes them ideally suited to any content.
The Arcane Mage Guide delves into the mechanics, talents, rotations, playstyle methods, and other factors that influence an Arcane Mage’s success in Shadowlands 9.2.7. This FAQ will go through rotations and build pathways for single target and AoE encounters; stat priorities; stat weights; PvP best practices; professions; optimal gear choices; and more. Furthermore, rotation optimization, legendary items, enchants, gems, and consumables are discussed in depth, allowing players to make better educated judgments regarding their character build options for optimal efficiency in all content types.
1. Are Arcane Mages good in Shadowlands 9.2.7?
Arcane Mages are an excellent choice for Shadowlands 9.2.7, with excellent Spell DPS options. With its continual spell casts, short cooldowns, and excellent mobility, Arcane is a flexible specialty that can give both tremendous cleave and single target damage. Because of its adaptability, it can be customized to many various scenarios, such as farming, soloing content, or pushing rating in arenas/RBGs without changing specs or talents.
Furthermore, Arcane has various defensive abilities, making them one of the strongest options for soloing difficult content like as global missions and Mythic+ dungeons. Thus, Arcane Mages are a wonderful choice in Shadowlands 9.2.7 if you’re seeking for a versatile and strong speciality with offensive and defensive potential.
2. Is Arcane Mage easy to play?
The Arcane Mage specialty in World of Warcraft’s Shadowlands expansion is more difficult to master than other mage specialities such as Fire and Frost. It is, nevertheless, not difficult to learn. Anyone who invests the time and effort necessary to grasp the arcane mage specialty will discover that it provides an intriguing and distinct way to play a mage character in World of Warcraft.
Arcane mages have access to strong spells like as Arcane Blast and Evocation, which allow them to do significant damage while manipulating foes. They also have access to a variety of defensive cooldowns that assist them remain alive in high-pressure circumstances. Playing an arcane mage requires precise decision-making about spell selection and battlefield placement%. 🅂, on the other hand, provides an interesting experience for individuals willing to put in the time and effort necessary to acquire this speciality.
3. What is the stats priority for Arcane Mages?
The Ultimate Arcane Mage Guide for Shadowlands 9.2.7 is a detailed guide for arcane mages to improve their damage output and gaming experience in the Shadowlands expansion by optimizing their talents, stats priority, and rotation.
The tutorial delves further into an arcane mage’s stats priority in order to enhance their damage output. When it comes to optimizing your mage build, stats priority is critical; the higher your stats, the more efficient your build will be. The ultimate guide prioritizes Haste and Intellect as major stats, with Critical Strike, Mastery, and Versatility as secondary attributes.
Along with explaining which metrics should be emphasized, it also offers advice on how players may improve their playstyle via talent selection and rotation optimization.
4. Which mage spec is best for leveling in patch 9.2.7?
Malva is the top mage spec for leveling in patch 9.2.7. This Mage specialty focuses on the Arcane School of Magic and is appropriate for solo and group play. Malva has stronger damaging spells, superior crowd control skills, and more efficient mana management than other specifications. Furthermore, the training will teach you complex tactics such as spell rotation, cooldown stacking, and resource management, which will propel your character to a whole new level of play.
Furthermore, Malva’s knowledge of the arcane arts not only helps you level swiftly but also offers your character better durability while playing alone or in groups. All of these advantages make Malva an excellent choice for any Mage wishing to fast level up in Shadowlands 9.2.7.
5. What is the best race for Arcane Mages in Shadowlands?
When it comes to choosing the appropriate race for Arcane Mages in Shadowlands, players may be stumped. Having said that, the “Misty” race is unquestionably one of the most popular selections for Shadowlands Arcane Mages. There are some significant advantages to selecting Misty as your race.
To begin, Misty players may use strong racial abilities such as Stoneform and Clockwork Heart. Stoneform grants players considerable damage reduction as well as immunity to illnesses and bleeding. Clockwork Heart increases your casting speed and decreases your abilities’ global cooldown by 20%. Misty is an excellent option for high DPS Arcane Mages hoping to get an advantage in raid engagements because to these two racial abilities. Misty also has exceptional stats, including a boost in Haste and Mastery.
Overall, Misty is presently one of the greatest races to play Arcane Mage in Shadowlands 9.2.7.
6. Which covenant is best for Arcane Mages?
Shadowlands 9.2.7 has arrived, bringing with it a new method to play as an Arcane Mage: covenants. Covenants are special merchants in Shadowlands that provide players specific advantages depending on the covenant they chose. Mages may select from four powerful covenants; Kyrian, Necrolords, Night Fae, and Venthyr are all characters.
This part of The Ultimate Arcane Mage Guide for Shadowlands 9.2.7 will look at each covenant to see which one is ideal for Arcane Mages:
- Kyrian due to their Replenishing Breath” ability, which offers mana regeneration and cooldown reduction on a certain spellcast cycle, Kyrians are the most useful in raiding and group content. This is particularly beneficial for Arcane Mages that prefer burst damage over sustained damage.
- Necrolords while performing specific skills, Necrolords offer increased strength and critical strike probability, which helps boost an Arcane Mage’s total damage potential in both PvE and PvP settings.
- Night Fae have a passive ability that permanently boosts all stats by 10%, making them very appealing for PvP but also tough to pass up in PvE owing to their massive power boost potential.
- Venthyr grants a 15% haste increase to damaging spells, allowing them to perform spells even quicker than previously – ideal for monsters with short enrage times or who need frequent knockback moves.
Finally, the covenant you pick is entirely up to you, since each provides something unique based on what an Arcane Mage favors in both PvE and PvP circumstances.
Final thoughts
Finally, the Arcane Mage in Shadowlands 9.2.7 is a highly strong and flexible class with enormous potential. Its strong damage output, lack of mana concerns, and remarkable mobility make it an excellent pick for PvE and PvP play. When equipped with the proper gear or legendary settings, it may also scale up greatly, enabling you to become even powerful in the endgame.
The Arcane Mage, on the other hand, has specific vulnerabilities that must be considered if they are to be successful. Because of its sensitivity to interruptions and crowd control abilities owing to channeled spells, it is critical to choose talents tailored to counteract these effects for consistent performance in both PvE and PvP circumstances. Furthermore, selecting the correct gear for this specialty may be difficult since there are several stat combinations that can result in varied degrees of success while playing Arcane Mages. Just make sure you’re concentrating on the proper statistics.