The show “Given” is a true story. The show follows the life of John and his family as they move to a small town in Oklahoma after he’s diagnosed with terminal cancer.
The show has been praised for its realistic portrayal of life in a small town, and many viewers have said that it feels like they’re watching their own lives unfold onscreen. Given is definitely a show worth checking out!
The series is set in a fictional town called Given, which is based on the real-life town of Burleson, Texas
The series is set in a fictional town called Given, which is based on the real-life town of Burleson, Texas.
The show was created by the producers of the popular show “Friday Night Lights”, and it definitely has the same feel as that show. If you’re looking for a thought-provoking, realistic show to watch, then be sure to check out “Given”!
“Given” was created by Joni Lefkowitz and Josh Safran
The show “Given” was created by Joni Lefkowitz and Josh Safran. Lefkowitz is the author of the young adult novel “The Naming of Names”, which served as the inspiration for the show.
Safran is a writer and producer who has worked on a number of popular TV shows, including “Gossip Girl” and “Smash”.
The show is about a group of friends who are all given different challenges to accomplish when they graduate from high school
The show is about a group of friends who are all given different challenges to accomplish when they graduate from high school.
Each of them is given a unique task that will test their abilities and force them to grow as people.
This show is definitely worth checking out if you’re looking for something inspiring and motivational!
What is the name of the main character in “Given”?
John is the main character in this inspiring new series. In season 1, he undergoes a life-changing experience as he moves to a small town with his wife and children after being diagnosed with cancer.
His incredible faith guides him through that difficult time, illuminating deep questions about faith and morality which our society faces today.
John is a beacon of strength for everyone around him as he fights for his family and beams light into dark places. A true American hero!
Season 1 premiered on March 3rd, 2014
Season 1 of “Given” premiered on March 3rd, 2014.
The show has been well-received by critics and viewers alike, and it’s definitely worth checking out if you’re looking for a thought-provoking, realistic show to watch.
There are 13 episodes in Season 1
There are 13 episodes in Season 1 of “Given”.
Be sure to check out the show on Hulu if you enjoy thought-provoking television shows that offer a unique perspective on life.
When is given season 2 coming out?
There is no set release date for Season 2 of “Given” as of now, but the producers are hard at work developing the new season.
Be sure to check out the show’s website or Facebook page for updates on when Season 2 will be released. In the meantime, be sure to check out Season 1 of the show! It’s definitely worth watching!
“Given” is an excellent new show that follows the life of John and his family as they move to a small town in Oklahoma after he’s diagnosed with terminal cancer.
The show has been praised for its realistic portrayal of life in a small town, and many viewers have said that it feels like they’re watching their own lives unfold onscreen.
If you’re looking for an inspiring and thought-provoking show to watch, be sure to check out “Given”!